LOGbinder and GFI EventsManager: Better Together

GFI EventsManager is an affordable but easy-to-user and powerful log management solution. We like EventsManager for its simplicity but high degree of functionality. You can literally have it up and running in minutes and the team at GFI built all of our recommended alerts and reports directly into the product so there's nothing extra to install in order to get support for monitoring SharePoint audit logs generated by LOGbinder for SharePoint.

Pre-Built Alerts

After EventsManager begins receiving events, it will automatically alert you to high impact security changes in SharePoint according to our recommended alerting rules such as audit policy changes as shown below.

Alert Methods

You can choose to have alerts emailed, sent via SMS or SNMP, trigger a script or, to suppress those noisy exception events common to any environment, you can choose to have events ignored.

Of course, EventsManager allows you to create your own custom alerts for SharePoint activity, specific to your environment. EventsManager's flexible criteria allows you to catch important events using a variety of comparison rules - thereby reducing false positives.


GFI EventsManager comes with our recommended SharePoint audit reports built right into the ReportCenter including:

  • Audit Trail Integrity Events
  • Access Control Changes
  • Document Update
  • List Update
  • Container - Object Update
  • Generic - Object Change Events
  • View Events
  • Custom Audit Events
  • Search Activity
  • Import/Export Activity
  • Information Management Policy Changes

Just schedule the reports according to our compliance recommendations and you're instantly following best practice. If our reports aren't enough, ReportCenter allows you to build your own custom reports.

Installation & Setup

Installation of LOGbinder for SharePoint with GFI EventsManager is accomplished in minutes.

Below is a video where Gil Langston (from GFI) and Randy Smith (CTO of LOGbinder) are Installing GFI EventsManager and begin collecting SharePoint audit events from the LOGbinder for SharePoint collector. Then we demonstrate the alerting and reporting capabilities of GFI EventsManager edition. If you are like us, we hate videos with audio that start automatically! So just click the play button at the bottom of the black player space. Or download the above video on Installing GFI EventsManager and watch in full resolution.

  1. Download and install LOGbinder for SharePoint: Here's a 5-minute video on to collect SharePoint events.

  2. Optional: Take a few minutes to watch a video of Randy doing what you are about to do: Installing GFI EventsManager , the ReportPack and then activating EventManager's collection and automatic alerting of SharePoint audit events.
  3. Install GFI EventsManager (archival and alerting). Watch minutes 1:00-5:00 of the Installing GFI EventsManager video.
  4. Connect EventManager to LOGbinder for SharePoint. Just add the server where you installed LOGbinder SP to the SharePoint Servers event sources group. See minutes 5:00 - 10:00 of the Installing GFI EventsManager video.
  5. Install the ReportPack (the reporting piece of EventsManager). Beginning at minute 15:00 of the Installing GFI EventsManager video.