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How to analyze where events are coming from and how many

Thu, 31 Oct 2019 15:41:08 GMT

Recently we had an issue with a Supercharger customer/  They had 40+ distributed subscriptions and two of their many collectors were having latency issues. After hours and hours of investigation, research and troubleshooting we identified the issue. Of their tens of thousands of forwarders, just a few (yes not few thousand or few hundred but a handful) were generating a huge amount of events in comparison to the rest. This resulted in an unbalanced load balanced subscription. As a result of this troubleshooting, our Event Count By Source utility was born. Just download the utility and run it on a collector against some of the logs. You will see how it totals events by source and sorts them in descending order.

This utility is intended to help you determine where forwarded events are coming from and in what quantity. It analyzes the specified log and counts events by source computer and source log. 3 tab delimited files are produced in the current directory named after the type of data, log name, and computer name allowing you to co-mingle output from multiple executions of the program.

The 3 files summarize event counts by source machine only, source log only and by log and machine. A 4th file simply documents the number of events in the log.

There is only one parameter - log name. For a list of logs run "get-winevent -listlog *".
Omit log name and it will default to ForwardedEvents.

Download Event Count By Source utility.

This is a free utility from LOGbinder (www.logbinder.com) which is a division of Monterey Technology Group, Inc.
(c) 2019 Monterey Technology Group, Inc (MTG). You are free to use and copy this program for lawful uses. Use at your own risk. By your use of this program you hold MTG harmless of any untoward results.

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