In a recent poll of more than a hundred security analysts
and database admins, 80% said their organization put equal or greater emphasis
on network and OS auditing than on database security audits. (35% said database
monitoring was less important than network or OS audits.) This seems inverse of
what it should be.
It would
be so awesome if organizations would simply prioritize their audits to the
applications where all the sensitive information is stored.

Help us get the word out! It’s not hard to get application
security intelligence to the SIEM where it belongs. The right tools make it
dead simple:
- Choose the relevant LOGbinder application(s), install
and configure in minutes, and
- Start watching the security events roll in to
the SIEM console.
Organizations that don’t have a SIEM need to add a
preliminary step and pick the SIEM
that has LOGbinder integration already built-in