An exciting new version of LOGbinder SP has been released. Here is what’s new in LOGbinder SP 3.6:
First of all, there are now more output options. Besides the LOGbinder SP event log and the Security log, LOGbinder SP (and all other LOGbinder products, such as LOGbinder EX and LOGbinder SQL) can now send outputs to your Syslog server and also has the ability to output in to a Syslog text file. These Syslog outputs can also be formatted in ArcSight CEF (Common Event Format). Yes, LOGbinder SP is now ArcSight CEF certified.
· Added output options:
o Syslog-Generic and Syslog-Generic (File)
o Syslog-CEF and Syslog-CEF (File)
Additional improvements:
· Added new features:
o Option for adjusting properties of multiple inputs – If multiple inputs are selected, and then Properties is opened, the audit policy can be adjusted for all of the selected site collections at the same time.
o Option to exclude personal sites from default audit policy – With this option set, the default audit policy can exclude personal site collections, such as those with “/sites”, “/my”, and “/my/personal” prefixes.
o Central Administration site collection monitoring – Site collection(s) contained in Central Administration can now be monitored by LOGbinder SP.
o Option to “Conserve resources with lookups”– If enabled, certain high-cost lookups are skipped—which speeds up processing and reduces memory consumption. (Please note that since some details in certain events will be omitted with this option, this should be chosen only in cases when performance problems become completely unacceptable.)
· Added new events:
o Event #63 “Content type imported” – This event was added based on our customers’ requests.
o Event #550 “LOGbinder process report” – Each time all the site collections have been processed, LOGbinder SP will write this event to the Application event log. It lists the number of site collections processed, the start and end time, and the time elapsed.
o Event #558 “LOGbinder process warning” – This warning message will be written to the Application log if any site collections have been behind in its processing for more than 24 consecutive hours.
· Fixed several small issues
If you are a LOGbinder SP 3.x user already, upgrading is easy:
1. Stop the LOGbinder service
2. Close the LOGbinder control panel
3. Install LOGbinder 3.6 on top of your current version.
If you are not a LOGbinder SP user yet, why not give it a try for 30 days?
Please download LOGbinder today or contact us for a demo.