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Exchange Server 2016: “Forged in the cloud” and released for public availability

Mon, 19 Oct 2015 12:35:51 GMT

Microsoft released Exchange 2016 on October 1, 2015 announcing “enhanced security and compliance features” related more to document management and archiving than security audit events; they do not appear to add events nor substantially change the audit function of the application.

Our development team is actively working to deliver a version of LOGbinder for Exchange that will include compatibility with Exchange 2016.

Features of Microsoft’s latest Exchange Server release have been known for some time. However, some new features won’t be fully understood or utilized until the release of SharePoint 2016 and Office Online Server. For details from Microsoft about the current Exchange 2016 release, see “What’s new in Exchange 2016” from TechNet. Pay particular attention to the “Discontinued features” content.

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