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Support for Exchange 2016 Auditing; New Features in LOGbinder for SQL Server

Wed, 15 Aug 2018 11:38:50 GMT

Exchange 2016 support

We are happy to announce support for Exchange 2016. Now you may be thinking 2016; wasn't that years ago?  It's true, Exchange 2016 was released in 2015 but because of a bug that seemed to have been introduced with the 2016 version, LOGbinder was not able to support it.  At the time we discovered it almost two years ago, we worked with Microsoft to confirm this behavior. This is what Microsoft said at that time:

  • The issue is caused due to limit of 100 search folders in particular mailbox. Before any new search can start, the old search folder has to age out and needs to be cleared. If this does not happen then it would fail.
  • We cannot modify these search folder limits, as it is by design.
  • We also found that it would take approx. 12hrs to reset the search folders count. So that we can run new query.

The above limitations posed such restrictions on the auditing capabilities of Exchange, that LOGbinder was not able to support Exchange 2016 at that time.

Our latest tests reveal that this has since been resolved and the above limitations have been removed in the latest cumulative updates. We have confirmed this to be true starting with CU6.

Therefore, LOGbinder now fully supports Exchange 2016 CU6+.

You can download LOGbinder for Exchange from our website and start auditing your Exchange environment.

SQL Server 2017

Microsoft released SQL Server 2017 and along with it they introduced new audit events. We have included these events in the latest LOGbinder for SQL Server version, adding events 24338-24348 and 24350-24375. These events are related to permissions on database scoped credentials and external libraries, and creating and dropping external libraries and database scoped resource governors, among some other events.

Additional new features in version 4:

  • Adding inputs in bulk from a CSV file. 
    • This is useful for users who have dozens or more inputs.  These inputs can now be added all at once instead of one by one.
  • As a counterpart to adding inputs in bulk, selecting and deleting multiple inputs is now also enabled.
  • Improve resilience by not stopping the service if one of the inputs is temporarily unavailable
    • This means that if there are many inputs monitored by LOGbinder for SQL Server and one or more of them is temporarily down or inaccessible, auditing will continue uninterrupted for the rest of the inputs.  For the unavailable inputs a warning will be generated and sent to the output.

Please download LOGbinder for SQL Server version 4.0 from our website to start auditing your SQL Server 2017.

After downloading LOGbinder for SQL Server version 4, if you have a current active support and maintenance license, you will have to request a new license key by opening a ticket at the https://support.logbinder.com site. If you do not currently own a license, please contact sales at LOGbinder for a quote.

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